JETS JOURNAL - 14th January 2025

novel update, chaos creating community, without hope or despair, what i'm loving, think global act local

Issue #064 · 14th January, 2023

Hi All!

Here is your weekly round up of what I’m pondering and exploring. Feel free to forward along to a friend if you think they might enjoy.

An update on the novel

Because your like family, I thought I’d share with you an update on my first novel as promised at the end of last year.

Drum roll please…

My book is currently titled Off The Rails and is based loosely on my experience growing up in Sydney, as a graffiti artist and urban explorer. I’ve now entered the stage of the process, where I will be giving copies of the draft to a select group of readers for feedback, before editing the next draft of the book, and reaching out to publishers and literary agents.

This is by far the most effort I’ve put into a project to date, and am excited to continue working on it, to hopefully create the best story possible.

Check out some mockup copies of the book below. Bear in mind the title, cover, and contents are still subject to change. So, what you see later down the line will most likely look very different. I’m very thankful to have the group of you invested in what I have to say, week in and week out.

Chaos creating community

As you know I’m currently in Los Angeles and have been dealing with the aftermath of the recent fires. However, as tragic as the disaster has been, I’ve noticed something very beautiful emerge in from the ashes, and that’s a loving community. It’s unfortunate that it’s often a tragedy that brings people closer together, but that’s exactly what I’ve witnessed.

From what I’ve seen, people have become friendlier and more compassionate with one another. I’ve personally mingled with my neighbours on a deeper level as we navigate the uncertainty, together. Seeing this kindness and compassion emerge across LA, gives me a lot of reassurance about human nature.

When things get hard, humans come together.

Without hope or despair

Since I’ve been away, I’ve been doing a lot of private journaling. Something I’ve been working on is thinking in extremes. You see, I’m someone who often falls into the trap of black and white thinking, and often find myself, either, on top of the world, or completely consumed by it in a wave of anxiety.

I found a really great quote that I wanted to share with you, I thought was relevant to the above:

“Everyday. Without hope, or without despair” -Isak Dinesen

The quote was originally intended as writing advice, however, I think it can also be applied to life in general. The way I interpret this quote, is that you turn up, each and every day, no matter what. You’re not too hopeful of what might happen, and your neither hopeless. You exist in this middle ground of possibility. Not asking for too much, or expecting too little.

This all comes back to having no expectations. Now, is this a defence mechanism, to protect us from getting hurt? or just a more peaceful way of living with ourselves? I don’t know, and I think that’s also okay.

What I’m loving right now

Heres what I’m loving right now:

1) My Fountain Pen—writing with a fountain pen has forced me to slow down and think about what I’m writing. There’s also something magical about using a traditional pen.

2) The Paris Review—I signed up for my first physical magazine subscription from The Paris Review.

3) Boots—I love boots, particularly ones that get better as they age. Here’s a pair that I have.

4) Raymond Carver—While I’ve only read his most popular short story collection, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, there’s something so authentic about the way he writes about human relationships, and the reality of love.

Think global, act local

It’s easy to think the worlds going to shit when we watch the news. Seeing the fires here in LA has probably made you think twice about global warming, and the future of our planet. However, I think what’s most important, is focusing on your immediate environment, while being aware of what’s happening globally. Whereas, I think it’s become flipped. We, including myself, often care more about what’s happening globally, than our immediate environments we inhabit, which is arguably more important. So, before you try make an impact on the world, you can at least clean your room.

Feel free to give me feedback on Twitter. What did you like? What do you want more of? What do you want less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know. Just send a tweet to @JETLRWILLIAMS and put #JETSJOURNAL at the end so I can find it.

Hope everyone enjoys their week!


JET (@jetlrwilliams)

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